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Installation and Repairs

Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers

This is a target job because it has median earnings of at least $35,000 per year, is projected to have stable or growing employment, and will have at least 25,000 job openings nationally between 2014 and 2024. It is a “middle-skill” job, which means it does not require a bachelor’s degree.

Median Earnings

  • Median Female


  • Median Male


  • Median All


  • Ratio of Female to Male Earnings


Job Requirements

  • On the Job Training


  • Education Required

    Some college courses

  • Apprenticeship Available


Total Job Openings 2014-2024

  • Total Job Openings 2014-2024


  • Percentage Change in Employment from 2014-2024


Women's Share of Jobs

  • Percent Female


  • Percent Male


  • Total Employment in 2014


On-Ramp Jobs

On-ramp jobs are majority female (or employ at least 25,000 women nationally). On-ramp jobs share many of the job characteristics of the target occupation but have lower median earnings. If you are looking for a change of career to increase your earnings, the target occupation should be a good fit.

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