Installation and Repairs
Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers
This is a target job because it has median earnings of at least $35,000 per year, is projected to have stable or growing employment, and will have at least 25,000 job openings nationally between 2014 and 2024. It is a “middle-skill” job, which means it does not require a bachelor’s degree.
Median Earnings
Median Female
Median Male
Median All
Ratio of Female to Male Earnings
Job Requirements
On the Job Training
Education Required
Some college courses
Apprenticeship Available
Total Job Openings 2014-2024
Total Job Openings 2014-2024
Percentage Change in Employment from 2014-2024
Women's Share of Jobs
Percent Female
Percent Male
Total Employment in 2014
On-Ramp Jobs
On-ramp jobs are majority female (or employ at least 25,000 women nationally). On-ramp jobs share many of the job characteristics of the target occupation but have lower median earnings. If you are looking for a change of career to increase your earnings, the target occupation should be a good fit.