About this Sector
Over the next decade, employers need to fill 240,000 middle-skilled jobs in information technology (IT) that currently pay at least $35,000 per year (and typically pay much more). Currently women hold only 29% of these jobs. Many women already work in similar but lower-paid occupations. Information Technology (IT) is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. IT skills are needed in many middle-skill jobs, and there is demand for IT skills throughout the country.

Certificates and degrees related to IT skills have much higher median earnings than many other educational pathways. Middle-skill jobs in IT require less investment in education for the same or higher earnings than many jobs that employ a majority of women.
Job Moves that Increase Women's Wages

How to Improve Women’s Access in Information Technology
There are many training programs for women and girls who want to move into IT, and several women-only programs. The American Apprenticeship grant program- designed to be inclusive- includes apprenticeships in IT. Educators and workforce developers can draw on learning materials designed to work well for both women and men. Educational programs and companies with middle-skill IT opportunities can ensure that women know about these, and that the learning and working environment is welcoming and doesn’t isolate women.